温州碧宏印刷机械有限公司重磅出击5月越南展 邀您共赴盛宴
来源:  发布时间:2017-03-31 09:56:35
5月18-20日, 温州碧宏印刷机械有限公司将携最新产品登陆“2017亚太(越南)网版印刷及数字化印刷工艺技术展览会”,诚邀新老客户莅临D136展位,5月18-20日,越南胡志明市西贡国际展览会议中心。



高质量的产品,良好的信誉和专业的服务,赢得了广大新老客户的认可和支持, 产品远销海内外。客户的宝贵意见,更是我们不断改进的动力,能不断解决客户实际操作中遇到的问题是温州碧宏的骄傲。 

Wenzhou Bihong Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.(Pingyang Shunlong Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. ) was founded in 2008, owns the brand brigitte macro, professional focus on research and development production and sales of high quality fully automatic printing machine, cutting machine, bag making machine and related equipment.

For now, most enterprises recruitment difficult, especially the screen printing type of work is more difficult to recruit, the product profit shirking. Our company adhering to the improve the production efficiency, reduce production costs, reduce the number of labor” as our own duty, is committed to providing customers with high quality automatic flat scream printing machine roll to roll, automatic non-woven fabric printing machine, fully automatic glass printing machine, planographic silk-screen presses, curved surface silk-screen presses, inspiratory manual screen printing machine, large-sized orbit silk-screen presses, automatic cutting machine, and etc. The printing machine are now widely used in printing film of PVC/PET/PC/PE, paper, cloth, leather, sticker, non-woven fabric, textile and etc.

We are enjoying good reputation due to our strong ability, professional staff and perfect after-sales service. Recently, with our continuous efforts, innovations and rigorously quality control, we have received increasing orders from all over the world.



BH-2200 全自动双色卷对卷印刷机