来源:  发布时间:2017-04-27 11:38:18


博罗县园洲镇东侨印花材料厂创建于1996年,历经十几年磨砺,如今已发展成为一家集科研、生产、营销和工程为一体,专业生产销售各种印花打底浆、高发泡浆、丝印助剂、牛仔洗水弹性胶浆、金葱浆、弹性透明浆、弹性白胶浆、鞋材厚版浆、雨伞布胶浆,尼龙固浆、水性油墨等产品。 我们坚持贯彻“质量第一,顾客至上” 的产品质量方针,在确保产品质量的同时,经过多年探索、研究,在消化吸收国际同行先进技术,进行大胆的创新,为提高全员管理能力,为实现产品质量合格率100%的目标,于2000年通过了ISO9002 国际质量管理体系认证,经过多年的不懈努力,我们所取得的成绩受到了广大消费者及社会各界的认可,几年间得到的荣誉多达几十项,连续多年被评为重合同守信用。 我们以“务实、创新、和谐、致远”的精神激励东侨人员脚踏实地,不断进取,合作共赢,与有识之士共同做强做大东侨事业,以“客户为先,市场为本,服务至上,品牌制胜”的经营方针作为指导,全面提高我们的服务水平。在覆盖全国大多数各级市场;以销售与服务共进的市场策略,为客户提供完善的售后服务。 你的满意,是我们最大的动力,愿我们的产品和服务为您创造更多财富添一份力!

Huizhou jintai new materials co.,LTD, jintai province found in 1996, By steady effort, now has incorporating science research, industry, production, marketing and engineering into a well-developed factory.

Our company always adheres to the “customer first, quality first”policy. We make bold innovation advanced technology from the same industry while ensuing the product has high quality. In order to improve the management skill, to achieve 100% product quality rate, In 2002, We was certified by ISO9002 international quality management system institute. After years of unremitting effort, our customer services have been recognized by our customer & the society.

Our company always encourage staffs to have pragmatic, innovative, harmonious spirits. Thus such unceasingly improving win-win situation attitudes helps us welcome tons of people who have capable of doing overseas business. Our paramount policy is of “customer first,market oriented, service first, brand to win “so that it leads to our extraordinary customer service. With our excellent sales and marketing strategies, We provide customers with perfect follow-up service after sales.

Your satisfaction is our biggest motivation,Wish our products and services can create more wealth to you!