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匠心筑梦 | 尚美特科技有限公司精彩亮相2017SDPE展会 共筑发展之路!
来源:  发布时间:2017-10-27 11:02:20
由香港粤展集团、广州粤展展览有限公司、广州市特印展览服务有限公司主承办,广东省纺织协会,广东省包装技术协会,中国国际跨境电商行业联盟,广州市跨境电商行业协会协办SDPE & DPTC 2017 第3届/中国(广州)国际网印喷印数码印花展/中国(广州)时尚数码纺织暨私人定制展览会将于11月21-23日在广州琶洲保利世贸博览馆隆重召开。展览面积达3万平方米,涵盖了丝印移印,纺织品印花,数码印花,数码喷印,私人订制、智能服饰等,聚集和展示行业新技术、新产品,是一年一度不可缺席的行业盛会。



尚美特公司专业从事高端热转印机器设计研发、装配制造,是一家集研发、生产、销售的综合型企业。一直致力于热转印机器自动化的研发,热转印个性影像材料的开发,现已开发出十多款畅销国内外的机型及材料。主要经营产品有: 3D热转印机,迷你气动烤杯机,液压烫画机,多功能手机壳热转印机,高清铝板画、影像马克杯、天然石板画、水晶影像材料、MDF木板画等等。

SUNMETA company specializes in high-end thermal transfer machine design research and development, assembly manufacturing, is a collection research and development, production and sales of integrated enterprise. Has been committed to the thermal transfer machine automation research and development, thermal transfer personalized image material development, has developed a number of popular models and materials at home and abroad. The main products are: 3D thermal transfer machine, mini pneumatic baking cup machine, hydraulic heat press machine, multi-function mobile phone shell heat transfer machine, high-definition aluminum plate painting, image mug, natural stone painting, crystal image material, MDF wood painting and many more.