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下月启幕 Brother集团邀您参观SDPE&DPTC展会啦!
来源:  发布时间:2017-10-12 16:49:22
SDPE & DPTC 2017 /中国(广州)国际网印喷印数码印花展/中国(广州)时尚数码纺织暨私人定制展览会将于11月21-23号在广州琶洲保利世贸博览馆1-2号馆隆重举办。展会将继承和发扬往届展会高规格、大规模、专业化的特色,举办多场精彩活动,提高服务质量,扩大宣传力度,吸引更多国内外厂商参展,同时也将更广泛地组织国内外专业观众参观。




The Brother Group started by providing repair services for sewing machines in 1908. Since then, we have been growing by focusing on our own technology development, promoting the diversification of our businesses through applying accumulated core technologies, and continuing to cultivate new markets consistently.

从创业到2016年,Brother集团走过了108个年头。我们通过产品制造努力满足办公室、工厂、家庭等环境下顾客的广泛要求,积极为顾客提供新的价值与满意。从“用于制造麦秸草帽的链锁缝缝纫机”开始,至今在Brother诞生的所有产品体现的都是Brother一直追求的价值创造。我们将秉承在任何情况下都以顾客第一为宗旨的“At your side.”精神,今后继续坚持倾听顾客的呼声,通过传承不畏惧变革的Brother DNA,不断创造出优良的价值。

The year 2016 marks the 108th year since the Brother Group started its business in 1908. We provide customers with new value and satisfaction by meeting various customers' needs at offices, factories, and home through manufacturing. Beginning with the "Chain-stitch sewing machine for the production of straw hats," all the products that Brother has created represent the value creation which we have been pursuing. With the "At your side." spirit in mind, always placing its customers first, the Brother Group continues creating superior value by sincerely listening to customers' opinions and passing down Brother's DNA that confidently faces challenges.
